JKLU campus is located on Mahapura-Ajmer Road at a distance of 20 km from Jaipur. Connected by a 30-minute drive from the city-centre, the university is easily accessible from Delhi and a number of major cities in Rajasthan.
Embark on your academic journey in a close-knit community where resources are shared and relationships nurtured. Be it wholesome meals and comfortable living or conveniences like transport, banking, and laundry; JKLU campus is self-sustained, inclusive, and supportive to the core.
Dull moments are rare at JKLU as a wide range of interests and activities await participation in the activity clubs managed by student groups from all across the campus.
Whether you are a coding freak or an ardent AI fan; JKLU technical clubs have something for you to immerse in. Choose to learn coding at Technosmart, the Coding Club or turn innovator at ARC, the Robotic Club.
JKLU Knowledge Clubs help students build relationships within the community through interactive knowledge events. Here, the student members develop their personality and learn leadership skills in the process.
In sync with JKLU spirit of entrepreneurship; Finanza, the Business and Finance Club organises workshops and training programmes to create a bridge between the industry experts and students.
We at JKLU believe in community development and the spirit of service. Our student members of the Community Development Club participate in a number of activities and events that allow them to engage in community service and develop virtues of compassion and gratitude.
Culture is an integral part of life that is best conveyed through expression of art. At JKLU, students get to express their artistic side through participation in cultural events where they experience diversity at its best.
SABRANG, the JKLU Campus Fest is an extravaganza held in the month of February every year. The annual cultural event is eagerly awaited by one and all as it offers the students an opportunity to showcase their talents in cultural, technical, and managerial activities. The event has gained immense popularity and is only getting bigger and better with time.
The Learning Resource Centre at JKLU is a top-class academic reservoir of books, collections, journals, periodicals, and audio visual materials put together to support a diverse readership and foster a rich learning experience.
At JKLU, the ways to stay fit, active, and healthy are plenty. Students can compete in the numerous inter-university sports events that intersperse the academic calendar or participate in one of the intramural activities to keep their fitness quotient high.
Spardha, the JKLU annual Sports Fest brings together the student community from across India to participate in competitive sports. The two-day event oversees a number of outdoor and indoor sports competitions held on the campus that bring out the sportsmanship and team spirit of the students.
Besides the periodic inter-university and annual sports events, JKLU students get to engage in a number of Intramural events that happen alongside the everyday academic schedule.
Whether you are a new or an existing student, you are a member of the JKLU community and your journey is important for us at the department of Student Affairs. We remain committed to each one of you and your well-being through constant engagement and interaction.
Our Student Council constitutes an energetic group of volunteers who represent the student body at JKLU. From assistance in planning and organising various sports, cultural and academic events to providing a bridge between the administration and the students; the student council remains involved in a number of activities on campus.