JK Lakshmipat University

Round 2 Applications are open for all courses. Apply by 14th August 2023
Round 2 Applications are open for all courses. Apply by 7th August 2023
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Anti Ragging Committee

Ragging is a criminal offence and UGC has issued a Regulations on curbing the menace of ragging in Higher Educational Institutions, 2009, in order to prohibit, prevent and eliminate the scourge of ragging in Indian Universities / Colleges / Institutions.

In compliance with the UGC Regulations, JKLU has set up various Anti-Ragging measures for preventing/quelling ragging and occurrence of any uncalled for behaviour/incident. An Anti-Ragging Committee has been constituted to monitor, conduct surprise checks and redress complaints of ragging. The names of the members are given below. The student/parent may feel free to call or approach any of the members in case of any difficulty related to ragging.

  • Dr. Lokanath Mishra, Chairperson                                 Mob: +91 9999558286 
  • Dr. Devika Kataria, Member                                              Mob: +91 9648724741 
  • Ms. Shraddha Bharatiya, Member                                  Mob: +91 8830426235 
  • Ms. Aastha Gohil, Member                                                Mob: +91 9723456259 
  • Mr. Deepak Sogani, Member                                             Mob: +91 9314072153
  • Mr. Prasanta Swarnakar, Member                                   Mob: +91 8094683124