JK Lakshmipat University

Round 2 Applications are open for all courses. Apply by 14th August 2023
Round 2 Applications are open for all courses. Apply by 7th August 2023
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Laboratories of Civil Engineering

Department of Civil engineering offers a four-year degree course leading to the Bachelor of Technology in Civil Engineering.

JKLU also offers Ph.D programme with a specialisation in water and environmental engineering. The course curriculum is designed to enhance the capability of civil engineers to make them aware of cutting edge technologies along with providing the foundation of traditional concepts. A strong foundation is laid through courses on Construction Technology, Structural Engineering and Steel Structures, Geotechnical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Water and Hydraulics Engineering and Computer Application. Besides, students are offered a variety of electives like Project Management, Geomatics, Computer Simulation, Construction equipment, and methods. The theoretical courses are supplemented by imparting practical experience through well-equipped laboratories.

The Department actively promotes curriculum development activity by updating existing courses, developing new courses and preparing resource material for teaching. The Department has several ongoing research projects and sponsored research schemes from public and private sector organizations. It undertakes industrial consultancy works as a part of its interaction with industry and also organizes seminars/symposia for professional interaction. The Department contributes to the interdisciplinary academic and research activity of the Institute

Our goals are to prepare all students with a technical background anchored in the fundamental of civil engineering together with the breath of related knowledge needed to follow a diverse career path in civil engineering and also:

  • To provide a firm education in Mathematics, Science, and Engineering which underline all technological development so that our students will be well equipped to adapt to changing technology.
  • To establish elaborated laboratories conforming to the codes and also the best for research.
  • To provide the broad and fundamental technical base needed by students who plan for advanced study in a specialised area with the help of proper training and the guest lectures by the field specialist.


Department is equipped with state of art labs where the theoretical courses are supplemented by imparting practical experience. The department has 8 major laboratories:

Surveying Lab

The planning and design of all Civil Engineering projects such as the construction of highways, bridges, tunnels, dams, etc are based upon surveying measurements. Moreover, during execution, the project of any magnitude is constructed along the lines and points established by surveying. Thus, surveying is a basic requirement for all Civil Engineering projects.

Our Surveying Lab is equipped with following experimental setup:

  • Metallic Chain
  • Ranging Rod
  • Tilting level
  • Auto level
  • Total Station
  • Plane Table its accessories
  • Electronic Theodolite
  • Prismatic Compass
  • Surveyor Compass
  • Global position System
  • e- Surveying
Concrete Lab

The Concrete Technology Laboratory in the Department of Civil Engineering at JKLU is one of the best concrete technology laboratories currently existing. The laboratory serves a wide spectrum of activities covering those related to teaching, research, development, and consultancy. The primary activities include experimental studies on different types of materials which are using in concrete and testing of concrete specimens in various exposure conditions. The Concrete Technology Laboratory also offers technical services for testing and research on the structural behavior and properties of materials.

Our concrete Lab equipped with the following experimental setup:

  • Compression Testing Machine
  • Oven
  • Wicket Apparatus
  • Cement mortar vibrating machine
  • Cement mortar mixing machine
  • Test Sieves
  • Concrete workability apparatus
  • Slump Cone
  • Compaction factor apparatus
  • Flow table
  • Ultrasonic Concrete Tester
  • Rebound hammer
  • Concrete mixer
  • Different Mould cast
  • Facilities of other many more physical and chemical testing of cement concrete and aggregates.
  • Permeability apparatus
  • Flexure Testing machine
  • Abrasion resistance machine
  • Buoyancy balance
Environmental Engineering Lab

Welcome to the Environmental Engineering Division at JKLU. The Environmental Engineering discipline at the Department of Civil Engineering is one of the most interesting and challenging ones. The laboratory is equipped with all the instruments for air quality, water quality, and wastewater analysis, we train our graduate students to view nature with the eyes of an environmental engineer and to think and work independently. Our faculty thoroughly enjoys working. The Laboratory has sophisticated equipments to analyse pollution parameters in water and wastewater, soil, Air.


The instrument list includes:

  • Bench top PH meter kit
  • Battery operated Portable Turbidity meter
  • Battery operated Portable Dissolved oxygen meter (DO-meter)
  • Portable hand-held TSS-meter
  • UV-Visible Spectrophotometer
  • Bench top Conductivity Lab kit
  • COD Reactor
  • BOD Track apparatus
  • BOD incubator
  • Electronic precision balance
  • Electronic precision balance up to 2000gm capacity
  • Hot air oven with Thermo-static control
  • Microwave
  • TKN Analyzer
  • Distilled water Unit
  • Jar test equipment
  • Laminar flow setup
  • Scientific Refrigerator
  • Muffle Furnace
  • Respirable Dust Sampler (For PM10/SPM/Heavy Metals Monitoring)
  • Fine Particulate Sampler (For PM2.5 Monitoring)
  • Gaseous Pollutant Sampler
  • High Volume Sampler
  • Stack Monitoring Kit
Transportation Engineering Lab
The laboratory of transportation engineering in the civil department is well equipped with all the required instruments and equipments that are helpful in the overall understanding and practical knowledge of a student. Institute has facilities such as CBR, Los angles abrasion instrument, Aggregate Impact test; Buoyancy balance Specific Gravity, Water Absorption test and Bulk density test for Aggregate; Flakiness Index and Elongation Index Test, Ring and ball apparatus, Flash and fire point, Tar viscosity, etc. We believe in the fact that only bookish knowledge is not enough for the overall understanding of our students. So our pedagogy includes every measure that impacts practical knowledge and carries out all the tests required for a complete understanding of the subject.
Engineering Geology Lab
The laboratory of Engineering Geology in the Civil Department is well equipped with all the required sample minerals, ores, metals, non-metals, and maps, etc that are helpful in the overall understanding and practical knowledge of subjects to the students. Actually, Engineering geology is the application of the geologic sciences to engineering practice for the purpose of assuring that the geologic factors affecting the location, design, construction, operation, and maintenance of engineering works are recognised and adequately provided for. Engineering geologists investigate and provide geologic and geotechnical recommendations, analysis, and design associated with human development. The realm of the engineering geologist is essentially in the area of earth-structure interactions, or investigation of how the earth or earth processes impact human-made structures and human activities.
Fluid Mechanics Lab

This lab has basic fluid mechanics and hydraulics machine set-up. Fluid mechanics and Hydraulic machines laboratories have all comprehensive experimental set-ups catering to the requirements of course curriculum. The lab is outfitted with different flow measuring set-ups such as venturimeter, orifice-meter, Pitot tube etc.


The laboratory is equipped with the following experimental set-ups:

  • Meta-Centric Height Apparatus
  • Bernoulli’s Apparatus.
  • Venturimeter & Orifice Meter Apparatus
  • Notch Apparatus
  • Reynolds Apparatus
  • Rotameter Apparatus
  • Laminar & Turbulent Flow Apparatus
  • Friction Losses Apparatus
  • Impact of jet Apparatus
  • Pelton wheel Turbine Test Rig
  • Centrifugal Pump Test Rig
  • Reciprocating Pump Test Rig
Geotechnical Engineering Lab
Geotechnical Engineering laboratory is well equipped with all equipments required for identification and classification of soils.
  • Liquid limit device
  • Cone penetrometer
  • Shrinkage limit test
  • Pycnometer
  • Plastic Limit set
  • Direct shear apparatus
  • Core cutter
  • Compaction test apparatus both heavy and light compaction
  • Standard penetration set
  • Hydraulic jack
  • Sieve shaker (motorized)
  • Hot air oven