JK Lakshmipat University

Round 2 Applications are open for all courses. Apply by 14th August 2023
Round 2 Applications are open for all courses. Apply by 7th August 2023
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Learning Resource Centre

About the library

The multi-storied Learning Resource Centre (LRC) came into existence as a constituent of JK Lakshmipat University, Jaipur. The Centre aims to fulfil the intellectual and academic needs of the students, faculty, research scholars, and visitors.
LRC is the heart of the university that makes information and knowledge accessible to a wider audience. The exhaustive collection of books, journals and other reading materials offers comprehensive information on areas related to management, engineering and technology, and allied subjects.
LRC is fully equipped with modern technology such as RFID Based Security System. The LRC has been provided with dedicated group discussion rooms having the provisions of AC, LED, Projector where students can work in a group. Twenty-seat seminar hall provides an avenue for training and user orientation of the large group. The friendly and approachable library staff are happy to answer queries, arrange inter-library loans and receive suggestions for new acquisitions.
LRC is subscribing to major e-resources like IEEE Xplore, EBSCO Business Source Elite, IEEE ASPP, ProQuest DELNET Engineering and Technology Collection, and Plagiarism detection software-Turnitin. All these e-resources are available to the users online through the library page. The library is a member of various organisations and services, namely DELNET, Confederation of Indian Industries, MOU for ShodhSindhu, INFLIBNET.

Timings and Access

During Academic Session
Opening Hours 9.00am to1.00Am (Monday to Friday)
9.00am to 6.00pm (Saturday & Sunday)
LRC Closed Public Holidays
Circulation Timings 9.30am to 8.00pm (Monday to Friday)
9.30am to 6pm (Saturday)
Photocopying/ Printing/ Scanning 9.30am to 5.30pm (Monday to Saturday)
During Vacation
Opening Hours 9.00am to 6.00pm (Monday to Saturday)
Public Holidays
LRC Closed Sundays, 2nd, and 4th Saturday
Circulation Timings 9.30am to 5.30pm (Monday to Saturday)
Photocopying/ Printing/ Scanning 9.30am to 5.30pm (Monday to Saturday)

Units/ Sections

LRC is segregated into three different zones that optimally utilize the available spaces to suit specific purposes of visiting the facility.

These are:

Individual Zone-
This area is located on the first floor to allow individual study and reading in a calm and quite environment.

Collaborative Zone-
This section is on the ground floor near the E-library where users can engage in group discussions and deliberations.

Social zone-
The leisure seating area makes room for social activities, where the users can sit freely as individuals or in groups.

Library Rules and Regulations

Following rules and guidelines must be observed at LRC-Learning Commons:

  • This facility is only available to JKLU students, fraternity and guests with valid ID proof.
  • All members are requested to make entry in the visitors register kept at the property counter.
  • As the facility is meant for education and learning purposes, sanctity and decorum of the place should be respected at all times.
  • Visitors are expected to keep their mobile phones and other electronic devices on silent/ vibrate mode. Silence should be maintained at all times in LRC-LC premises.
  • Visitors are expected to be appropriately attired at all times while inside the LRC-LC.
  • Food and beverages (water bottle exempted) are not allowed inside LRC premises.
  • Lost and found items are kept at the security/ property counter and will be passed to the University’s Lost and Found desk the next working day.
  • Users are expected to not leave personal belongings unattended in the Learning Commons.
  • Damaging LRC property is a serious offence.


Membership for JKLU Community
All registered students, faculty members and staff of the University are entitled to register as members of the LRC and use the facilities and services offered for the purpose of their academic, research and administrative work. Use of LRC facilities and services implies acceptance of LRC rules and procedures.

External Membership
Individuals and Organisations can become deposit borrowers. Borrowing privileges and refundable deposits for various categories are as follows.

Deposit Users-

Membership Category

Refundable Deposit

Borrowing Privilege

Annual Service Charges



1 Book for 10 Days




1 Book for 10 Days


Organisation / Institutional


03 Book for 10 Days


Note: The total price of the book/s issued to deposit borrowers shall not be exceeding 75% of the amount deposited.

Non-Deposit Users-

For one month


For one year


  • Non-Deposit users have to pay as follows for regular reference only and not for loan:
  • Reference and consultation of resources.
  • Access to subscribed online resources in the LRC premises.
  • Number of books to be issued (Mentioned under borrowing privilege)
  • Duration/Issue period: 10 days (One time renewable).


Borrowing LRC Materials
JKLU Learning Resource Centre provides access to all reading materials. A full range of loan services is available for the materials that are in general stack. These services include circulation (check in and check out) and shelving of materials. Circulation staff in LRC also assists in placing reservation and recall request on items that are issued out and helps users in locating items in the stack area.

LRC resources are managed by KOHA software, a web-based integrated library system installed on a Linux platform. KOHA is equipped with acquisition, cataloguing, circulation, serial control and OPAC modules.

It supports MARC21 and UNIMARC for professional cataloguing and z39.50 for copy cataloguing from reputed libraries. OPAC module provides access to the library catalogue. Through this module, users of library resources can check their borrowing details, reserved items, make suggestions for new books, and update their personal details as well as add tags to books of their choice. This module provides a simple and clear search interface. Users are able to search through all fields of the database as well as within specific fields.

OPAC can be access below:

Ask Librarian

ASK LIBRARIAN iis a ready reference service to provide research and academic assistance in multiple ways. This service is exclusively available to JKLU-LRC students, faculty, and staff. Other users are welcome to use ASK LIBRARIAN service for questions specifically pertaining to LRC and the collections thereof.


Ph.No. - 0141 – 7107 529/527 | Email: lrc@jklu.edu.in