JK Lakshmipat University

Round 2 Applications are open for all courses. Apply by 14th August 2023
Round 2 Applications are open for all courses. Apply by 7th August 2023
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Student Council

Council of Cultural Affairs


The Cultural Affairs Council at JKLU is dedicated to fostering an inclusive, vibrant environment where every student feels empowered to connect, celebrate, and contribute to campus life. Our goal is to create a welcoming platform for all students to express diverse cultural identities, build meaningful connections, and participate freely without barriers.


To build a campus culture where every student can share their ideas, creativity, and traditions openly, fostering a sense of belonging and breaking down group boundaries.


Through diverse, engaging events and active collaboration with experts and institutions, we aim to support students in skill development, cultural engagement, and community building, strengthening connections across the campus.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Promote Inclusivity: Encourage every student to participate in cultural events, ensuring interactions are open and inclusive.
  • Encourage Campus-Wide Interaction: Work towards a campus where students feel free to connect across different groups, fostering unity.
  • Facilitate Engagement and Feedback: Actively seek feedback to improve cultural experiences, both on and off campus.
  • Collaborate with Student Affairs: Maintain ongoing communication with the Department of Student Affairs for calendar planning, event approvals, and to address cultural concerns.
  • Enhance Campus Life: Increase the variety and frequency of campus activities, including themed days, fairs, and intercollegiate events, enriching student life.
  • Coordinate with Clubs and Groups: Support club collaborations and logistics to encourage a cohesive cultural scene.
  • Drive Intercollegiate Participation: Strengthen JKLU’s cultural presence by facilitating greater student participation in intercollegiate events.

General Secretary

Siddhi Nyati - B.Tech CSE 3rd Year
Ph: 9587940198
Email: siddhinyati@jklu.edu.in


Ananya Purohit - BBA 2nd Year
Ph: 7231096827
Email: ANANYAPUROHIT@jklu.edu.in
Frame 24

General Secretary

Anmol Arora- BBA III Year
Ph: 9588260326
Email: anmol@jklu.edu.in
Frame 26


Amishree Sharma - B.Des I Year
Ph: 8503047585
Email: amishreesharma@jklu.edu.in

General Secretary

Manasvi Chobdar - BBA III
Ph: 9982223355
Email: manasvichobdar@jklu.edu.in


Vidit Sharma - BBA II
Ph: 9079059858
Email: viditsharma@jklu.edu.in

Dance Club Coordinator

Aashwi Maheshwari - BBA II
Ph: 7014326733
Email: aashwimaheshwari@jklu.edu.in

Drama Club Coordinator

Vanshika Singh - BBA I
Ph: 8787234551
Email: vanshikasingh@jklu.edu.in

Music Club Coordinator

Kratika Advani - B.Des II
Ph: 8955882671
Email: kratikaadvani@jklu.edu.in

Media Club Coordinator

Ritika Bhola - BBA II
Ph: 7014813525
Email: ritikabhola@jklu.edu.in

Photography Club Coordinator

Anmol Arora - BBA II
Ph: 9588260326
Email: anmol@jklu.edu.in

Quiz Club Coordinator

Kavisha Gupta - BBA I
Ph: 7818090529
Email: kavishagupta@jklu.edu.in

Literary Club Coordinator

Rani Ingle - B.Tech I
Ph: 8767357263
Email: raniingle@jklu.edu.in