JK Lakshmipat University

University News

University News

Meetings of Board of Studies – Institute of Management, Institute of Design, Institute of Engineering and Technology



The 12th Board of Studies meeting of Institute of Management was held on May 31, 2022. The meeting was conducted in hybrid format. The meeting was attended by 03 external members. After confirmation of the last BoS meeting, Action Taken Report was presented by Dr. Ashwini Sharma, Acting Director-IM and Chairman-BoS. Further enriching discussion was started on Curriculum of BBA, and PG Diploma in Analysis and Research Programmes. Vice Chancellor, Prof. Dheeraj Sanghi ended the meeting with concluding remarks and thanks.


The 5th Board of Studies (BoS) meeting of Institute of Design was held on June 13, 2022. The meeting was conducted in hybrid format. The meeting was attended by 03 external members. After confirmation of the last BoS meeting, Action Taken Report was presented by Prof. A Balasubramaniam, Director-ID and Chairman-BoS. The agenda of this meeting was to discuss revised curriculum structure of various programmes in Design. Experts shared their valuable suggestions in the proposed structure. The meeting was ended with concluding remarks and thanks by Prof. Sanghi.


14th Board of Studies meeting of the Institute of Engineering and Technology was held on June 15, 2022. The meeting was conducted in hybrid format. Vice Chancellor, Prof. Dheeraj Sanghi, welcomed the members of the BoS. The meeting was attended by 06 external members out of which one member was present in person. After confirmation of the last BoS meeting, Action Taken Report was presented by Dr. Sanjay Goel, Director-IET and Chairman-BoS. The agenda of this meeting was to discuss proposed revisions in the curriculum structure of IET in line with CBCS requirements. Experts shared their valuable suggestions in the proposed structure. The meeting ended with concluding remarks and thanks from Prof. Sanghi.

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