JK Lakshmipat University

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International Conference on “Sustainable Future: Innovations in Education”


JK Lakshmipat University, in collaboration with St. Cloud State University, USA and AIC-JKLU organized the tenth edition of its two-day International Conference on UN’s SDGs on February 25-26, 2022. This year, the theme was,Sustainable Future: Innovations in Education, which was attended by more than 1000 viewers and had 22 speakers across the globe.  It received conference received over 70 research submissions out of which 48 promising works were presented. Shri Anil Kakodkar, Padma Vibhushan and Nuclear Scientist; Prof Sudhir Jain, Padmashri and Vice-Chancellor, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi; Dr Pramath Raj Sinha, Founding Dean, ISB Hyderabad and Prof. Ajit Chaturvedi, Director IIT Roorkee were some of the dignitaries who graced the conference.  The conference was co-sponsored by BSE, Institution’s Innovation Council and Turnitin and had IIT Roorkee, IIT Gandhinagar, IIT Jammu, IIT Bhilai, MNIT Jaipur and Central University of Rajasthan as JKLU’s Academic Partners. It brought all the stakeholders on one platform and collectively discussed different aspects of education focusing on achieving a sustainable future.


On its Opening Day, the event had keynote and technical sessions, paper presentations and panel discussions on ‘Education for Creating Better World’, ‘Tools for Teaching and Learning Effectiveness’, ‘Educational Practices for Special Needs’ and ‘Educational Policy and Governance’. During the session on Special Needs, Prof Vladan Devedzic, Professor at FON – School of Business Administration, University of Belgrade, Serbia stressed on how we all are learners with special needs when it comes to artificial intelligence and other modern technologies. Dr Doris Santos, Associate Professor at National University of Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia, who spoke about educational policy and governance, highlighted on the need of co-creation of knowledge through collective action by community actors and academics on issues related to SDGs. The second day started with a keynote session by Dr Siddhartan Govindasamy, Professor at Boston College, USA and Prof Ben Baliga, Professor at St Cloud State University, USA. The speakers shared their views on ‘Future Trends in Engineering Education’ and discussed how human-centred education and automation is changing the future of education. The keynote session was followed by multiple sessions which focused on the ‘role of Ed-tech in education’ and presentations from emerging Ed-tech start-ups, which were evaluated by Mr Mrinal Kashyap, VP Sales, WhiteHat Jr. There was a panel discussion on ‘Models for Financing Education’ and a session on how the future of education is being shaped by learnings from past and Covid-19. Prof Dheeraj Sanghi, Chairman of Conference Steering Committee & Vice-Chancellor, JKLU said,  “The two-day conference has given a broad vision from the modern technologies to blended learning and how it is helping the education industry, and this international conference will be the stepping stone in the students’ lives and become the future of tomorrow.”

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