JK Lakshmipat University

University News

University News

Alumni Meet – Institute of Management


JK Lakshmipat university organized an alumni meet of Institute of Management on March 5, 2022. The meet was conducted in hybrid mode. The event started with Vice Chancellor, Dr Dheeraj Sanghi welcoming the alumni and was followed with a welcome address by Asst. Director – IM, Dr Ashwini Sharma. About 50 alumni joined the meet. Student council member planned a cultural event which had two dance performances and a live singing performance. Later, some of the alumni shared their experience of learning at JKLU and in the industry. There were some alumni who shared their insights on the importance of practical learning and thanked mentors in JKLU who trained them. The meet ended with a vote of thanks by Prasuk Jain (Alumni Relations Secretary) which was followed by group photo session and Hi-Tea at IM Block, JKLU. The event was coordinated by Ms Tanushka Jangid and Mr Shivdeep Singh, both alumni of JKLU and presently its employees.

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