International Yoga Day
International Yoga Day is celebrated worldwide every year on 21st June to raise awareness about the benefits of Yoga in daily life. Yoga brings balance between body, soul, and mind. It helps us to understand the purpose of life and how to survive in today’s changing environment.
JKLU celebrated “YOGA DAY” on 21st June this year with great enthusiasm with all the staff members and their families participating in the event to create awareness among people towards the importance of Yoga and its role as an immunity booster. The sessions were held on the lawns opposite the Health Centre under the supervision of a Yoga instructor. After the yoga session, light refreshments were also served. An informative session on meditation was held in IM amphitheatre where Sister Anamika from Prajapita Brahma Kumaris gave an insightful discourse on the topic.
The following student volunteers worked relentlessly to assist in smooth organisation of the event.
– Manan Pandya
– Paarth Jha
– Poorna Bhati
– Juhi Bhardwaj