JK Lakshmipat University



Webinar : Navigating into Future – Readiness for New Normal

Event Date: 28/08/2020

The webinar was hosted by JKLU in association with NHRDN.


JK Lakshmipat University and National HRD Network jointly organised the webinar on “Navigating into Future – Readiness for New Normal.”

As the title focussed on how the Industry is Navigating into Future, our eminent speakers took us through the journey of Readiness for New Normal.

Key Note Speaker:
A. Sudhakar- Head, Human Capital & CSR, Dabur.

Esteemed Panelists:
• Mr. Vineet Thukral, Director, Micron India
• Mr. Rajesh Sharma, Director, Urihk Pharma
• Mr. Shalabh Sangal, Director, Moriroku Technology India Pvt. Ltd.

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