Academic Forum Sessions on Smart Class Set up @ JKLU and Experiences, Thoughts, Challenges and Perspectives
An Academic forum session on Smart Class Set up was conducted on April 7, 2022 for faculties of IET, ID and IM by Ekin Team. The team explained usages of Smart Class Set up with demonstration of live class including Hybrid Class. Faculties experienced it and were able to resolve their queries. The session was co-ordinated by Dr Sonal Jain, Chair, Academic Forum.
An academic forum session on Experiences, Thoughts, Challenges and Perspectives was conducted on April 1, 2022 by Dr Sudhir Raniwala, Professor Emeritus at JKLU. He started with his experiences in teaching, discussed about his first class as well as his journey as a teacher. He also discussed his thoughts on being a good teacher and challenges to be one. Criticism is must but bloom where thorns are planted, is the lesson he tried to give away in the session. He advised the faculty to aim their lectures at the middle level, provide higher learning goals to the top students and give some extra time to students at the bottom. The session was co-ordinated by Dr Sonal Jain, chair, Academic Forum.