- M.Tech. (IT-HCI) from IIIT, Allahabad.
- B.Tech. (CSE) from UPTU, Lucknow.
Dr. Santosh Verma is Assistant Professor (Computer Science Engineering) at the Institute of Engineering & Technology, JKLU. He has 15 years of teaching experience in a number of reputed Institutions. He has published a book and presented several papers in national and international conferences.
He has vast teaching experience in subjects of Data Structures, Advanced Data Structures, Theory of Automata, Computer Graphics, Digital Image Processing, C programming, Compiler Design, Computer Organisation, Robotic Process Automation, Microprocessors, and Microcontrollers both at Graduate and Postgraduate level. At JKLU, he is also the faculty coordinator for the Competitive Programming Club.
He is a certified Robotic Process Automation Engineer by UiPath (a leading software industry providing RPA solutions). He has mentored various orientation/ refresher courses, summer/ winter schools, faculty development programs/ seminars/ conferences/ workshops/ hands-on training sessions with different institutes/ corporates.
- Programming Languages (C, C++, Java, Python)
- Data Structures
- Design and Analysis of Algorithms
- Advanced Data Structure
- Image Processing
- Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
- Data Structures and Algorithms
- Digital Image Processing
- Member of International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT).
- Member of Association of Computing Machinery
- Harshit, S. and Santosh, V., B-Tree Versus Buffer Tree: A Review of I/O Efficient Algorithms. Intelligent Systems: Proceedings of SCIS 2021, p.417.
- Prakash, A., Verma, S. and Vijay, S., 2019. Real-time video surveillance for safety line and pedestrian breach detection in a dynamic environment. In Advances in Signal Processing and Communication (pp. 233-246). Springer, Singapore.
- Verma, S. and Goel, S., 2013, August. An empirical evaluation of wavelets based viz-a-viz classical state-of-art to image denoising. In 2013 Sixth International Conference on Contemporary Computing (IC3) (pp. 331-336). IEEE.
- Arora, N., Jain, S. and Verma, S.K., 2016, August. Range clustering: An algorithm for empirical evaluation of classical clustering algorithms. In 2016 Ninth International Conference on Contemporary Computing (IC3) (pp. 1-4). IEEE.
- Santosh Kumar Verma and Gaurav Parashar. Article: Evaluation of Corner Detection Algorithms for Human Emotion Modelling. IJCA Proceedings on National Conference on IPR, Future Technology, Optimization and Management NCIFTOM 2016(1):5-10, April 2018.
- Santosh Kumar Verma and Gaurav Parashar. Article: Evaluation of Corner Detection Algorithms for Human Emotion Modelling. IJCA Proceedings on National Conference on IPR, Future Technology, Optimization and Management NCIFTOM 2016(1):5-10, April 2018.