About Us

Welcome to Computer Society Of India

Computer Society of India is the first and largest body of computer professionals in India.It was started on 6 March 1965 by a few computer professionals and has now grown to be the national body representing computer professionals. It has 72 chapters across India, 511 student branches, and 100,000 members.

It is a society for adroits of computer professionals and foster to maintain integrity . We are fortuitous and ecastatic about the opportunity for being part of this felicitous society that our prestigious JKLU has given to us.

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Our Workshops

  • February 27, 2017

    Inaugural Ceremony of CSI –JKLU Student Chapter and Workshop on Data Science

    CSI-JKLU student chapter was inaugurated on 27 February 2017. After the inaugural ceremony of our esteemed CSI chapter there was a workshop on Data Science in collaboration with Znetlive. Prof. Dr. A. K Singh addressed and discussed the gathering and guests about how the CSI chapter will help Computer Science students as well as the students of other branches. In the second half Mr. Bhupendra Kumar and Mr Rishab Soni from Znetlive delivered speech about importance of Hadoop file system, Big data, Cloud technologies etc.

    September 27, 2017

    A Workshop on LAMP STACK

    On September 27, 2017 a workshop on LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) was organized by CSI chapter for students seeking opportunity in IT. The talk focused on open sources and operating system REDHAT. Students had gained a good understanding of these technologies.

    October 14-15, 2017

    MNIT Conference report

    JKLU students had participated in National Level Conference to enrich technical representation. Harshita Khangarot and Shashwat Sharma presented a paper entitled “Decision tree analysis using feature selection”. Vishal Gupta and Sai Pavan Kumar presented a paper on “Big data analytics in agriculture sector.” Priyal Jain and Ashutosh Gupta presented a paper on “Smart village: Cloud based big data ecosystem.” Raj Gupta and Ayush Mishra presented a paper entitled “Application of big data analytics for blockchain.” Ashutosh Gupta and Ankit Jain presented a paper on “An implication of IOT and Big data on Semantic Web.” Dr Kavita Choudhary was a co – author of all these papers in the National Conference on Data Mining and Machine Learning organized during October 14-15, 2017 at MNIT Jaipur.

    December 2, 2017

    MLH Local Hack day

    On December 2, 2017 Computer Science Department hosted university’s first Hack Day under the flagship of CSI-JKLU chapter. This event was collaborated and sponsored by GitHub. The event inspired students for building and creating innovative project. Participants were given goodies and winner was accorded with cash prizes according to their respected positions.

    March 23-24, 2018

    Workshop on Cyber Security

    CSI JKLU Student Chapter organized a workshop on Cyber Security where students learnt about Ethical Hacking, Cyber Crimes, Malicious Code, Cryptography and many other things. Our Guest for the event was Mr. Mithun Verma who is one of the youngest cyber-crime investigator & vulnerability researcher of India and a Google certified. He is an Electronics and Communication Engineer having long-term experience in the field of IT, currently working as a cyber security expert and ethical hacking trainer. He has also worked for 15 days on Advance Ethical Hacking with CBI-Delhi Officers and have solved various Cyber Case under College, Cyber cell Jaipur, Rajasthan Police & CBI. Also, he was joined by Mr. Akash Kumar Kundu who have worked mostly in Cyber Stalking, Cyberbullying, Debit Credit Fraud and Cyber Terrorism. He has also given training at Rajasthan Police Academy Top officers of Indian Metrological Department ISA Mount Abu (Rajasthan). The event was conducted on 23-24 March, 2018.

    August 3, 2018


    On August 3, 2018, an event on LAN Gaming was organized by CSI –JKLU Student Chapter where a platform for game lovers was provided, where they were allowed to play games of their choice which comprised of FIFA, Blur and Counter Strike.

    August 24, 2018


    CSI Student Chapter organized a one-day workshop on GSOC and Blockchain on August 24, 2018, which dealt with Blockchain, consensus algorithm, proof of work, proof of stake and distributed ledger. Further it was drawn to the application of Hyper Ledger Composer. The speaker elaborated on the process of getting into GSOC Open source communities like GNU, Linux, JBOSS etc.

    September 15, 2018

    Virtual Campus League (VCL)

    An inter college competition named Virtual Campus League was organized on September 15, 2018. The title sponsors for the event was TECHGIG. It was designed to identify and encourage aspiring coders to showcase their skills. This challenge comprised of Two rounds, the first round was an aptitude test followed by a coding test. A total of 130 students participated to check their proficiency.

    October 18, 2018


    CSI-JKLU Student Chapter participated in a competitive technical event called Hacktoberfest 2018. Hacktoberfest was sponsored by Digital ocean, GitHub and Twilio. It focused on expending horizons in the field of open source software and pull requests (PR), which is a request by a contributor to the project maintainer to pull the source code change. This event was aligned with successfully organized Block Chain event in the past and played a crucial role in familiarizing the students with contemporary technologies in the world of computer science. In this event students were supposed to submit 5 quality pull request and based on that they will be getting appreciation letter and official goodies from GitHub. The session on “Creating Pull Request” was scheduled on 18th of October 2018 during 3:00-5:00 PM.

    19 January 2019


    JKLU TECHATHON 2019 was organized on 19 January 2019 at JK Lakshmipat University, under the flagship of Computer Society of India (CSI-JKLU Student Chapter) and Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Udaipur chapter. The event was co-sponsored by Samyak IT Solutions and TechFi Labs to involve engineering undergraduates in a drive of life-long learning, innovation, out-of-the-box thinking in young minds, problem solving and professional networking. 160+ students participated in JKLU TECHATHON 2019 from seven institutes. 100+ participated from MNIT Jaipur, Poornima University, Poornima College of Engineering, JECRC University, Arya Institute of Engineering & Technology Jaipur, Rajasthan Institute of Engineering & Technology Jaipur and 55+ from JKLU Jaipur. The major idea of TECHATHON is based on Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), featured in three themes: • Digital Initiatives in Modern Society. • Disruptive Ideas for Community Outreach. • Business Practices for Sustainable Growth.

Our Core Team

Dr. Kavita Choudhary

Faculty Coordinator

Roopesh Sharma

Vice Chairman

Viral Natani

General Secretary

Vipin Agarwal

Senior Web Developer

Roshan Kumawat

Senior Web Developer

Pallavi Bhandari

Public Relations officer

B.Shruti Mudaliar

Digital Transformation Head

Rishika Singh

Website content write

Our Events